Monday, 18 February 2019

Sitting Amongst the Mosquitos at Monganui

Sunday morning arrived with chairman meow, meowing outside my window with a skink in his mouth at 6am. Open the door and a couple of strokes later  the skink managed a getaway minus its tail. Go check the tracker not finished yet go make a coffee and put some food out for the cat. Phone call from sally bring spare keyboard and water. once dressed i brave the drive into Devonport and buy requested items head back home to load the car and collect Pete.

Observations on the road The Volvo hates road works stones keep getting caught in the brakes making dreadful noises. remote will no longer will open the car doors.

Arrive Monganui Sally and Rob sleeping on boat so can unload the car and have a sneaky beer before water taxiing out to the boat to fold the sails and help bring the boat along side to change the water in the water tanks.
Pete and Suellen help with taking on water

I had remembered we weren't going to be in Auckland so had stocked up on some cash to buy food and drink at the yacht club where we had excellent lamb shanks for dinner. A few sad faces from their finishing spots at prize giving but no one was actually disappointed everyone raced hard and the weather didn't play ball for some.

Full house in our accommodation tonight, apparently I am the new loudest snorer.

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